Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Capital and Revenue Budgets - 2016/2017'
- Councillor Asha Saroy - Other interests - Councillor Saroy declared an interest in agenda item 7 (Capital and Revenue Budgets) with particular reference to the pay award because she has family members who work for the Council. She stated that she would leave the meeting should there be any specific discussion on the pay award.
- Councillor Clive Johnson - Other interests - Councillor Johnson declared an interest in agenda item 7 (Capital and Revenue Budgets 2016/2017) with particular reference to fees and charges because he rents an allotment. He stated that he would leave the meeting should there be any specific discussion on allotments.
- Councillor Glyn Griffiths - Disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Griffiths declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda but specifically agenda items 7 (Capital and Revenue Budgets 2016/2017) and 8 (Council Plan 2016/2017 – 2020/2021) because he is a Non-Executive Director of Medway Community Healthcare (MCH). He stated that he would leave the meeting should there be any specific discussion on MCH.