Issue details

Bradfields School, Chatham - Consultation on Prescribed Alterations

Cabinet approval is sought to consult on the following proposals:

  • The expansion of both the upper and lower age limits from 11-19 to 3-25.
  • The increase in the categories of Special Educational Needs to include SLD (severe learning difficulties), in addition to the current categories – MLD (Mild learning difficulties) and ASD (autistic spectrum disorder).

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 2 Aug 2011 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Les Wicks

Lead director: Rose Collinson

Department: Children and Adults

Contact: Paul Clarke, Strategic Head of Education Email: Tel: 01634 331031, Juliet Sevior, Assistant Director, Inclusion and Improvement Email: Tel: (01634) 331013.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee:: Children and Young People

Agenda items