Issue details

South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership - Business Plan 2011/2014

This report seeks agreement to the draft South Thames Gateway Partnership Business Plan for 2011/2014. The partnership’s business plan outlines how the building control function for the three partnership Councils (Medway, Gravesham and Swale) will be delivered over the next period.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 15 Feb 2011 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Jane Chitty, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation

Lead director: Robin Cooper

Department: Regeneration, Community and Culture

Contact: Tony Van Veghel, Director, South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership Email: Tel: 01634 331552.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee:: Regeneration, Community and Culture

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