Issue details

Future Hoo Progress Report


This report will request the extension to the consultation period on the draft Hoo Development Framework document, specified in Cabinet decision no. 89/2022, from 7 to 9 weeks.


Access to Information

The report together with any other documents being considered (unless they contain exempt information) would ordinarily be available for inspection 5 clear days before the decision is taken by the Cabinet. Copies are available on the Council's website or requested from Democratic Services Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR or email If you wish to submit information to the Cabinet about the item please also contact Democratic Services. On this occasion it has not been possible to provide 28 clear days’ notice, nor 5 clear days’ notice, therefore Section 11 (Cases of special urgency) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and Rule 17 (Special urgency) of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, as set out in the Constitution, have been complied with. The Chairman of the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee has agreed that the taking of these decisions are urgent and cannot be reasonably deferred until the next Cabinet meeting on 18 October 2022. This is because Full Council has agreed to take no further action on this matter, which means that Cabinet decisions 89-21/2022 can now take effect. Therefore, it is critical that the consultation period commences at the earliest opportunity (i.e. 23 September 2022).

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/09/2022

Decision due: 16 Sep 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Alan Jarrett, Leader of the Council, Councillor Rodney Chambers, OBE, Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships, Councillor Jane Chitty, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation

Lead director: Richard Hicks

Contact: Janet Davies, Head of Regeneration Email: Tel: 01634 331139.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee:: Regeneration, Culture & Environment

Agenda items