Issue details

Progress Through Partnerships Host Contract

Progress through Partnerships (PtP) is the south east regional improvement programme for local strategic partnerships. Its aim is to support local strategic partnerships to be more effective, efficient and to maximise partnership working to deliver the recently signed Local Area Agreements. Medway Council as accountable body is seeking to let a contract for two years from April 2009 for a host agency to manage and deliver the PtP programme.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 17 Feb 2009 by Cabinet

Janice Bamber

Lead member: Customer First and Corporate Services

Department: Business Support Department

Contact: Stephanie Goad, Assistant Director, Communications Performance and Partnerships, T: 01634 332737, E: Email:


Agenda items
