Issue details

Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy

The Housing Act 2004 places a duty on authorities to take appropriate enforcement action where serious hazards are identified in residential properties and a power to take action to deal with any less serious hazards. The private sector housing enforcement policy details how the appropriate enforcement action will be undertaken when the authority has a duty to act, and how enforcement action will be used where the authority has a power to take action on less serious hazards. This policy has been written with due regard to the Enforcement Guidance issued by the Secretary of State under the Housing Act 2004. This policy is directly linked to the Council's overall Enforcement Policy and clarifies the approach to enforcement in this specific area.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Business Support

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 14 Oct 2008 by Cabinet

Howard Doe

Lead member: Community Services (Lead Member)

Department: Business Support Department

Contact: Peter Tonge, Head of Enforcement, Litigation & Licensing, T: 01634 332284, E: Email:


Agenda items
