Active and Completed ePetitions

The Council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns. We will deal with paper or electronic petitions under our petition scheme.

If you would like to set up or sign an e-petition we would encourage you to read the petition scheme.

If you decide to create an e-petition you will be required to provide us with basic personal information to enable us to verify the signatures collected are genuine. Your name (but no other details) will be published on the e-petition website. We will only use the information you provide for this purpose.

If you need help or advice about petitions please contact the Head of Democratic Services on 01634 332509 or email him at

Title Respondents Deadline to sign by
Open Riverside(Strood) to all traffic 6 21/01/2025
Implementation of Safe Crossing and Traffic Calming Walderslade Road/Chestnut Avenue Junction 70 Finished