ePetition details

Stop abolition of yearly visitor parking permits

We the undersigned petition the council to We the undersigned petition the council to Reverse the plans to abolish the yearly visitor permits from April 2018 and to remove the 100% increase in price for the daily visitor permits.

As from April 2018 we will no longer be able to purchase a yearly visitor permit and will only be entitled to the 1 residents permit. The price for a daily visitor ticket is set to rise to £2 each further putting a strain on family finances.

The Council has decided to stop selling annual visitor parking permits for parking controlled areas as of 1st April 2018. This, along with the 100% increase in daily visitor permits, will lead to a huge increase in the amount residents pay for friends, family and second cars to park near their house. Currently permits are £34 a year but this could be in the hundreds should people require regular paper permits to park.
This decision, at a time when council tax is rising by 6% along with many other charges such as parking prices in public car parks, is going to put an unreasonable strain on the finances of residents within Medway and should be reversed immediately.

You are removing the annual visitor permit for residents in permit parking zones. The daily parking permits have increased in price by 100%, from £1 to £2. This directly affects the residents who live in areas without off road parking, usually smaller cheaper properties than those who live in non permit roads with off road parking. This means instead of paying £35 a year for a visitor permit, people could have to spend £730 a year to use a daily permit every day of the year. This is a 1986% increase, which is a huge financial increase to residents. This is incredibly unfair on residents and there should be a public consultation on these changes, which many residents were unaware of until today, 07/03/2018.

This ePetition ran from 07/03/2018 to 18/04/2018 and has now finished.

902 people signed this ePetition.