ePetition details

Keep the ‘No Mow May’ campaign in Medway

We the undersigned petition the council to ensure they continue with the very successful ‘No Mow May’, but with alterations to ensure certain areas are cut for safety reasons. We also would like a better communication campaign that informs residents about the campaign and it’s importance.

We are can all agree that Bees are vital for our planet and ourselves to survive as a species. They are the key pollinators to the majority of our edible crops as well as other plants and trees. However, bee populations are under threat and are declining. During the month of May there is also a lack of food for the bees. That is why the ‘No Mow May’ campaign was setup, to encourage people and organisations to put away their mowers and let the wild flowers in our lawns feed the bees in this drought.

Medway Council took part in this campaign this year, and for many of us it was an astonishing success. Many saw massive areas of beautiful buttercups and daisies, buzzing with hundreds of bees and insects. We wish this campaign to continue for the foreseeable future. Show Medway is serious about protecting our environment.

We appreciate there were some teething problems with its implication. Certain areas around road junctions and bus stops should be continued to be cut for safety issues. But these kinks can easily ironed out with a detailed plan of what areas can and cannot be cut.

This ePetition ran from 03/07/2021 to 03/09/2021 and has now finished.

187 people signed this ePetition.