ePetition details

No Medway Red Routes

We the undersigned petition the council to Stop the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders associated with Red Route proposals for Chatham, Rainham and Rochester, which we believe will be ineffective at improving traffic congestion and lead to none of the stated benefits and irreparably damage the character of Medway. We ask instead that Medway Council establish a Citizen's assembly on Road Traffic and congestion and work with residents to identify alternative approaches to: improving traffic flow, air quality and increasing active travel.

Many factors have been identified that are significant in contributing to traffic congestion in our towns and details have presented to the Council members and officers, but ignored. CCTV cameras are supposed to be used in extremis and not as a default to all traffic related concerns. It is clear that if traffic management officers were better directed they could be effective, with the current regime of double yellow lines. Double red lines will be unsightly, and coupled with already overburdened signage and CCTV cameras, they will make our would be City unattractive to visitors.

This ePetition ran from 09/12/2023 to 21/12/2023 and has now finished.

206 people signed this ePetition.