ePetition details

Pelican crossing outside All Saints CofE school to ensure safe crossing

We the undersigned petition the council to support the undoubted need for a pelican crossing outside All Saints CofE Primary School to ensure the safe road crossing of children, parents and the local residents. Vehicles travel well over the speed limit both up and down Magpie Hall Road and around the blind bend. Cars park on all corners of junctions and on both the double yellow lines and the zig zags outside the school making crossing the road extremely dangerous. Medway Council have been unsuccessful in filling the position of School Crossing Patrol for All Saints CofE Primary School and currently the job has not been re-advertised.

Putting in a crossing outside school will provide safe crossing for children, parents and local residence, slow traffic down passing the school and reducing the risk of any further accidents.

This ePetition ran from 18/06/2023 to 18/07/2023 and has now finished.

167 people signed this ePetition.