Issue - decisions

Licensing Act 2003 Review of Council statement of Licensing Policy (scrutiny)

11/02/2011 - Licensing Act 2003 Review of Council Statement of Licensing Policy



The Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services introduced the report advising that the Statement of Licensing Policy had to be renewed every three years and as it was a policy framework document would be considered at Cabinet on 21 December and Full Council on 13 January 2011.


Members were informed that two representations had been received to the consultation process and only one of which had raised objections.

The committee was also advised that the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill had been published on 14 December which could mean that the Statement of Licensing Policy would have to be revised again to take into account any new requirements within the legislation.

Members commented that the points made in the representations were reasonable and asked whether the definition of “public nuisance” was sufficient to address their concerns? The Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services advised that she considered the policy covered this definition sufficiently.




The Cabinet is asked to recommend the proposed changes to the Licensing Policy as set out in paragraphs 5.1.1 – 5.1.5 of the report, to Council for approval as part of the council’s policy framework.