The Senior Urban Design Officer advised that Amherst Hill was owned by Defence Estates and allocated for housing in the Local Plan. It was situated next to Fort Amherst with long views across to Rochester. The Local Plan had set out that there had to be a detailed design brief to guide development of the site in a manner appropriate to its sensitive setting and prominent location. The results of the six week consultation on a draft design brief with English Heritage, the owners and other stakeholders were set out in the report. Minor amendments had been made as a consequence of the consultation but the principle remained the same.
Members asked why the comments of the Brompton Village Association set out on page 261 of the agenda with regard to the development of the Kitchener Barracks could not be incorporated into the design brief. Officers responded that Kitchener Barracks had not been released for development and it would be important to have a separate design brief for that area.
The committee agreed to endorse the Amherst Hill Design Brief, having given regard to the comments raised during the consultation.