Issue - decisions

Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: Clinical Waste Collection and Disposal Contract

09/03/2010 - Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: Clinical Waste Collection and Disposal Contract



This report provided details of the review of strategic issues concerning the procurement of the clinical waste collection and disposal contract. It considered the options in terms of the methods of procurement to ensure that Medway maintained a quality service for its stakeholders.


It was noted that the Procurement Board had considered this report on 17 February 2010 and that the Board had supported the recommendations, as set out in the report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the discontinuation of the current OJEU procedure due to the resultant delays since the original OJEU notice period.


The Cabinet approved the commencement of a new OJEU procurement process for the clinical waste requirements.


The Cabinet approved the commencement of decision no. 45/2010, in conjunction with Kent County Council, as a joint procurement with Kent County Council as the lead authority.



This procurement is intrinsically linked to that of the larger household waste collection and disposal contracts. All of the separated contracts must commence on the same day, currently programmed to be September 2010, to ensure service continuity.


Advice from Eversheds and Strategic Procurement (in section 2.2 of the report) is that due to the amount of time since the original OJEU notice was published, it was best to conclude with the current process and commence a new EU process.


In addition, the Council needed to revisit its requirements for clinical waste collection and disposal in light of other contractual arrangements for waste services.