Issue - decisions

2011 School Admission Arrangements

09/03/2010 - 2011 School Admission Arrangements



This report provided details of the scheme on how the Council would co-ordinate applications to schools, and the arrangements on the detailed entry arrangements to community and voluntary controlled schools. This included a scheme for coordinating in-year admission arrangements, which had been developed for 2010/2011 to meet the requirement of the Co-ordination Regulations 2007.


The report provided details of the consultation process undertaken concerning the arrangements and schemes which ran from 15 December 2009 to 9 February 2010 in accordance with the requirements of the Schools Admissions Code to consult for a minimum of 8 weeks.


The proposals had also been considered by the Children and Adults Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 February 2010 and its comments were set out in paragraph 5 of the report.


A Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) had been carried out on the proposals and the findings indicated that the policy did not need a full diversity impact assessment in this area.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed to the determination of the following schemes and arrangements as shown in the appendices to the report:

The coordinated scheme for secondary admissions 2011-2012;

The arrangements for admission in 2011 for community and voluntary controlled secondary schools;

The coordinated scheme for primary admissions 2011-2012;

The arrangements for admission in 2011 for community and voluntary controlled primary schools and;

The in-year admissions schemes for primary and secondary admissions 2010-2011.




The Council is required to undertake a detailed consultation exercise prior to the determination of its school admission arrangements and schemes. The decisions take into account the responses from consultation.