Issue - decisions

Gun Wharf Masterplan Chatham: Outcome of Consultation

11/10/2010 - Gun Wharf Masterplan

This report set out the outcome of consultation on the proposals for a Masterplan for the Gun Wharf area of Chatham. Cabinet approved a six week programme of consultation on 16 February 2010 and the comments received back were set out in appendix 1 to the report. It was noted that English Heritage had raised some concerns about elements of the draft plan to which a number of changes to the plan had been proposed.


The Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report on 18 August 2010 and its comments were set out in paragraph 7 of the report.


A Diversity Impact Assessment had been completed, as set out in appendix 3 to the report, and it was noted that it had not been necessary to carry out a full impact assessment.


Decision number:



The Cabinet adopted the Gun Wharf Masterplan as a Supplementary Planning Document subject to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture (in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth) being delegated authority to incorporate the revised drawings appended to the report and amended to reflect the changes listed in the schedule of responses.




An up to date masterplan for the Gun Wharf area will inform planning decisions and encourage investment in the area.

25/08/2010 - Gun Wharf Masterplan Chatham (Policy development)



The Local and Regional Planning Manager introduced the report and explained that the Gun Wharf area was of very historical significance and therefore the comments from English Heritage were of great importance and changes had been made to address their concerns.


Members then asked officers a number of questions, which included: -

·        Concern that new builds were sympathetic to the surroundings;

·        Reference should be made to the ordnance building occupied by the Royal Air Force Club;

·        Concern over the poor state of St Mary’s Church and the importance of finding a viable use for it.;


Officers confirmed that the ordnance building was a key part of the masterplan, particularly due to its prime position.  In relation to St Mary’s Church it was confirmed that the issue was recognised and there had been a helpful response from the diocese.  It was also felt that if the building erected at the rear of the church was three storey it could then realise more commercial use of the church.  Officers undertook to organise a site visit for the committee to the church.




The Committee recommended that officers note the comments from Members and recommend the Cabinet to approve the Gun Wharf Masterplan.