Issue - decisions

Safer, Healthier Streets - Red Routes and Moving Traffic Enforcement

02/10/2023 - Safer Healthier Streets Programme - Red Routes and Moving Traffic Enforcement



This report provided details of the Red Routes initiative, including results of recent informal public consultation (detailed at Appendix A to the report) and sought approval to progress to formal consultation and subsequently implement Red Routes where appropriate. It also provided an update on the Moving Traffic Enforcement initiative and sought approval of the proposed enforcement plan.


The report stated that the proposals supported key priorities within the Medway Council Strategy, the Local Transport Plan and the Medway Air Quality Action Plan. A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and was attached at Appendix C to the report.








The Cabinet noted the results of the consultation as set out in the report and Appendix A.



The Cabinet agreed to progressing the following red routes locations, with additional design changes as outlined below and in paragraph 4.7 of the report, to statutory consultation, and subject to the statutory process agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, to proceed with necessary infrastructure work and implementation:

  • Corporation Street between The Esplanade continuing onto Star Hill with additional loading bay at the rear of 147-149 Corporation Street;
  • Star Hill between Corporation Street and New Road/City Way with outside additional loading bay outside 33-39 Star Hill;
  • Best Street between Union Street and Railway Street;
  • The Brook between The Brook Theatre, Whiffens Avenue, and the junction of New Road (including Union Street);

·      A2 Rainham High Street between Maidstone Road and High Dewar Road with additional loading bays Outside Nationwide Building Society, Outside the Lukehurst furniture shop and between 46-47 High Street.


The Cabinet agreed to progressing the moving traffic enforcement to the 8 locations outlined below and in paragraph 4.9 of the report and subject to the statutory process, agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration to proceed with necessary infrastructure work and implementation:

  • Gillingham High Street;
  • Rochester High Street;
  • Rock Avenue junction with A2, Rainham;
  • A2 Watling Street, Gillingham, at the junctions with Ash Tree Lane and Canterbury Street;
  • A2 High Street, Rainham;
  • Gibraltar Hill junction with A230 Maidstone Road;
  • Cuxton Road, High Street junction with Gun Lane, Strood;

·      Whittaker Street/High Street, Chatham.



The Red Route initiative, within the Safer Healthier Programme, meets several key strategic polices and action plans set out by the Council. The implementation of the recommendations enables effective enforcement of indiscriminate parking which will help to reduce congestion and delays on essential bus routes and improve road safety and air quality.

The Moving Traffic Enforcement initiative, within the Safer Healthier Programme, meets several key strategic polices and action plans set out by the Council. The implementation of the recommendations will create a more reliable and safer road network.