This report set out the results of an Employment Land Review Consolidation Study, which had been commissioned to inform the Local Development Framework and would also be important in delivering the Council’s Economic Strategy. The Study followed guidance issued by Communities and Local Governement and asked how much employment floorspace would be required in the future and was it of the right type and in the right location.
The report set out the conclusions of the study including a new jobs target of 21,500 by 2026 and that, overall, no further land releases were required to meet the overall needs of the area.
Decision number: |
163/2010 |
The Cabinet endorsed the report and its findings and agreed that the jobs target in the current Economic Strategy be moderated, in accordance with the findings in the Employment Land Review Consolidation Study, to 21,500, as set out in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the report. |
164/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed that the Director for Regeneration Community and Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth be granted delegated authority to approve minor changes to the Consolidation Study to improve its clarity and consistency, prior to its formal publication. |
To provide an up to date and accurate evidence base for the preparation of the Local Development Framework and to facilitate the delivery of the Economic Development Strategy.