Issue - decisions

Temple Waterfront

05/01/2010 - Temple Waterfront

7/2010 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to full Council that the development land (as shown cross-hatched on the attached plan at Appendix B) is declared surplus to the Council's requirements and authority is delegated to the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to: a) advertise the loss of existing open space in accordance with s123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, to consider any objections and to determine whether or not to dispose of the land, b) if a decision is taken to dispose of the land, to dispose of it at the best consideration reasonably obtainable, c) enter into any necessary agreements with the landowners to facilitate the development, d) enter into any necessary development agreements (including the grant of necessary access or other consents) to facilitate the development.