Issue - decisions

Budget 2003/2004 - Revenue

04/02/2003 - Budget 2003/2004 - Revenue

50/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council adoption of the budget summarised at revised table 3 (attached to this record of decisions), amounting to £262.913m, and that this be financed by a 12.5% increase in Council tax.
51/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the projected overspend for 2002/2003 be financed by charging the overspend to reserves.
52/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the fees and charges set out at Appendix 5 apply as part of the budget proposals.
53/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services be requested to calculate the formal requirements under Sections 32 and 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for resolution by special Council on 19 February 2003.
54/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the creation of a 'Change Team' for so long as the objectives of the team, as set out at Appendix 4 to the report are met and, on the basis that costs are met by external funding sources and the team is to assist with meeting existent policy objectives, that recruitment to these posts be progressed immediately so as to enable the team to be in place by 1 April 2003 or as soon as possible thereafter.