Issue - decisions

Chatham Centre and Waterfront Development Brief

15/07/2008 - Chatham Centre and Waterfront Development Brief

152/2008 The Cabinet agreed the following key points raised by the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee: (i) That the opening of the Great Lines Ditch be endorsed and that the listed structures be noted and careful consideration of their future be given; (ii) That the exact location of the landmark building be determined at the time of a planning application; (iii) That the design of the cultural building be sensitive to the park; (iv) That it is noted that the buildings on the masterplans are purely indicative at this stage; (v) That an intention be endorsed to ensure Rats Bay Pumping Station is as unobtrusive as possible by either its relocation or other means.
153/2008 The Cabinet approved the Chatham Town Centre and Waterfront Development Brief, delegating authority to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, to make any minor amendments and further editing necessary before the final document is formally published.