Issue - decisions

Chatham Two-Way System

30/01/2007 - Chatham Two-Way System

10/2007 The Cabinet agreed that negotiations be undertaken to seek to secure the relocation of Staples to a new location at The Brook (Queens Street, Slicketts Hill car park) and the demolition of the existing building.
11/2007 The Cabinet agreed to receive a report on 13 March 2007 giving a consultation timescale on three regeneration development briefs for Chatham:
a) Station Gateway from Chatham Station to High Street.
b) Waterfront from the High Street to the Command House.
c) The Brook from the Army Careers Office to the old cinema in Upbury Way (the east side of The Brook).

This will provide an opportunity to review those elements of the Chatham framework which have changed since it was originally agreed.
7/2007 The Cabinet instructed officers to continue to monitor the road network in Chatham and to bring forward for consideration proposals, where appropriate, to ease congestion.
8/2007 The Cabinet agreed that officers, in consultation with traders, Chatham Town Centre Forum, North Kent Chamber of Commerce and the Council's Economic Development Team consider schemes, measures or projects that will assist in promoting trade in Chatham.
9/2007 The Cabinet agreed to proceed with the demolition of the old Chatham Library building; the provision of up to 120 additional temporary parking spaces (subject to the grant of planning permission); to provide a temporary vehicular link between Riverside and Globe Lane car parks (subject to planning permission) and to the demolition of Perrins and those parts of the former Theatre Royal within the ownership of the Council.