Issue - decisions

Procurement Strategy

28/11/2006 - Procurement Strategy

231/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council the approval of the proposed amended Contract Rules as set out in Appendix 3 of the report, and the amended Financial Limits and Employee Delegation Scheme, as set out in Appendix 4 of the report, and to note the phased implementation of the new process and the subsequent need to operate two sets Contract Rules, Financial Limits and Employee Delegation Scheme - the existing set and the new amended sets - during this period.
232/2006 The Cabinet approved the following:a) The adoption of a risk based Gateway procurement process for all procurements where anticipated contract term value is above £100,000.b) The adoption of a transparent and timely procurement planning process.c) The adoption of the procurement training 'Driving Licence' and associated programme of procurement awareness workshops.d) The need to engage in a work stream to review alternative methods of electronic procurement be noted.