Issue - decisions

Fundamental Review of Community Safety

18/07/2006 - Fundamental Review of Community Safety

137/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the roles of Medway Warden and Community Safety Street Team Officer be combined. These officers will be geographically based in teams that map directly onto the police geographical neighbourhood structure with separate tasking by each organisation, but close sharing of intelligence and coordinated problem solving. Routine highways inspections, waste contract monitoring, litter and environmental crime and parking will be undertaken by existing staff dedicated to these functions.
138/2006 The Cabinet agreed that a suitable title be given to the officers detailed above in order that it is clear and easily understood by the public.
139/2006 The Cabinet agreed that parking enforcement activities are separated from those of ward based community safety as their deployment is very different, and placed under the management of the traffic and parking service.
140/2006 The Cabinet supported, in relation to decisions 137/2005 and 139/2005, the reorganisation and noted that the Director of Regeneration and Development will undertake it under delegated authority.
141/2006 The Cabinet noted that the park rangers will remain under the management of Green Spaces.
142/2006 The Cabinet agreed that a performance monitoring and management regime is put in place within the Community Safety and the frontline task force to reflect the needs of the relevant targets contained within Corporate Performance Assessment, PSA2 and BVPI, as set out in Appendix C to the report.