Issue - decisions

Community Centres

10/01/2006 - Community Centres

3/2006 The Cabinet agreed, subject to suitable budgetary provision being available, to reinstate the revenue budgets for the five community centres on the basis that the following action be undertaken:
a) the two community centres at White Road and Woodside are put at the forefront of the next wave of neighbourhood action plans.
b) the Hook Meadow Community Centre is developed as a key community enterprise satellite facility for Medway, closely connected to the Community Enterprise Hub.
c) that officers seek to secure higher levels of income generation for the Chattenden Community Centre, founded on the greater involvement of existing stakeholders in the management of the Centre, notably London & Quadrant, with an option to include the mechanism of a fully repairing and maintaining lease agreement.
d) a full review of the Marlborough Road Community Centre site is undertaken founded on consultation with all existing stakeholders before defining further recommendations to Cabinet for the medium to long-term future role of the site.