Issue - decisions

Scrutiny Review: Delayed Discharges from Hospital

12/04/2005 - Scrutiny Review: Delayed Discharges from Hospital

81/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the findings of the review noting the progress which had been made as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.
82/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to relocate staff currently sited at the Medway Maritime Hospital to a more appropriate working environment for staff, in the interests of ensuring the health and safety of staff, visiting members of the public and service users, should current negotiations for on-site provision not prove successful.
83/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to ensure the timely implementation of IT systems to improve communication between the hospital and the social services staff.
84/2005 The Cabinet instructed the Assistant Director Social Care to undertake a review of the workloads of Care Managers, identifying the number of staff required to provide even and manageable caseloads and report the findings to a future meeting of the Health and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
85/2005 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Health and Community Services to ensure that a written agreement is drawn up between the Council and the Primary Care Trust to secure continual funding for posts supported by the Trust. The Cabinet instructed officers to pursue a Section 31 agreement as appropriate.
86/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers currently undertaking the Stock Options Appraisal to consider the use of Council owned properties such as current sheltered housing stock which may not meet 'Decent Homes Standard', but may have alternative use in providing a suitable setting for the provision of rehabilitation care services.
87/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to continue to work with universities and other education partners to ensure appropriate training and development routes to encourage the recruitment and retention of staff in adult care services.