Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2004-2009

07/09/2004 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2004-2009

326/2004 The Cabinet agreed the guiding principles upon which the strategy is based as set out in paragraph 4.6 of the report.
327/2004 The Cabinet noted the priority needs as set out in paragraph 9.2 of the report.
328/2004 The Cabinet noted the projected shortfall in funding in 2005/06 for the council overall of £4.065m as indicated in Appendix 2 to the report.
329/2004 The Cabinet agreed the preliminary service control totals as set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report.
330/2004 The Cabinet agreed that Directors prepare plans to meet the preliminary service control totals as set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report.
331/2004 The Cabinet agreed that Directors identify further potential savings to meet the shortfall against the corporate control total of £3.767m.
332/2004 The Cabinet noted that directorates will establish adequate checks and controls in order to derive budgets within these totals that are deliverable.