Issue - decisions

Chatham Library - Future Provision

11/05/2004 - Chatham Library - Future Provision

191/2004 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council to re-locate the Chatham Library to the Gun Wharf Site subject to the following additional work being undertaken:· Detailed costing of the internal fit-out and all external works to be produced for consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture· A full breakdown of the works required to make the building DDA compliant and costing be produced· A full breakdown of the works required to be provide the costing on moving server or making secure
· Either three competitive quotations or tenders be sought in accordance with the Council's contract rules · Construction programme of works and detail time scale be provided for consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture.
192/2004 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council a new capital scheme for the reprovision of the existing Chatham Library.
193/2004 The Cabinet asked the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to identify how the necessary funding can be found to fund the relocation and confirm that the operating costs of the new library will remain within operating budget.
194/2004 The Cabinet agreed that, in addition, quotations be sought for the refurbishment of the top floor including DDA compliance.
195/2004 The Cabinet agreed that at all times the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture be kept informed of progress and all quotations and details of works in progress.