Issue - decisions

Youth Justice Plan (policy framework)

30/03/2004 - Youth Justice Plan (policy framework)

122/2004 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the Youth Justice Plan update for 2004/2005 be agreed as part of the Council's policy framework and be forwarded to the Youth Justice Board for approval.
123/2004 The Cabinet noted, with an amendment to (iii), the following conclusions of the Education and Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to youth justice:- (i) Focus needs to shift to undertaking more early intervention work with young people and their families so the huge cost to society of offending can be lessened. (ii) Programmes within Medway schools based on the principles of restorative justice are effective and should be supported by the council.(iii) The Council needs to strive to ensure that 100% of Medway youth offenders leaving custody can access appropriate accommodation as this will reduce the likelihood of reoffending.

(iv) As one of the leading local authorities in engaging victims in restorative justice programmes, the Council should be aiming even higher than the current participation rate of 55%.(v) The Committee would like Medway Youth Offending Team to assist the Medway Secure Training Centre to establish a restorative justice programme within the facility.(vi) There is a need to better promote the importance of investing in youth justice services.(vii) All of the performance targets contained in the Youth Justice Plan must be owned by all stakeholders and not just the Youth Offending Team.