Issue - decisions

Budget 2004/2005, Business Plans

27/01/2004 - Budget 2004/2005, Business Plans

32/2004 The Cabinet approved the Capital budget proposals, as set out in Table 1, for referral to Council.
33/2004 The Cabinet recommended to Council, at this stage, that the budget summarised at Table 5, amounting to £272.052m, should be adopted and that this be financed by a 15.0% increase in Council Tax, unless prior to the Council meeting, further acceptable savings can be identified or the recent correspondence with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister succeeds in prompting a different view.
34/2004 The Cabinet approved the summary business plans, taking on board the comments of Overview and Scrutiny.
35/2004 The Cabinet approved the fees and charges set out in the booklet 'Medway Council - Fees and Charges' circulated separately as a minimum and applied as part of the budget proposals.
36/2004 The Cabinet requested that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services calculate the formal requirements under Sections 32 and 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for resolution by special Council on 19 February 2004.
37/2004 The Cabinet agreed that a deputation, involving older people, is sent to Downing Street concerning Medway's budget position with representatives of the press being invited to attend.