Issue - decisions

Medway Renaissance Partnership

16/12/2003 - Medway Renaissance Partnership

The Cabinet agreed the Memorandum and Articles of Association (as set out at appendix 1) subject to a revision, which will need to be approved by the shadow board, to reflect that the Leader of the Council will be the Chairman of the Partnership. The Memorandum and Articles of Association are to be referred to Council for information.
The Cabinet agreed that the Chairman of the Partnership be authorised to sign the finalised Memorandum and Articles of Association of Medway Renaissance Partnership.
The Cabinet recommended Council to confirm the nominations of three elected members of Medway Council: Leader of the Council as Chair of the Partnership, the portfolio holder for Planning and Economic Development and the leader of the largest opposition group, as well as the Chief Executive and Director of Development and Environment as directors of the board of Medway Renaissance Partnership as agreed by Council on 5 March 2003.