Issue - decisions

Medway LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) - selection of preferred bidder

25/11/2003 - Medway LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) - selection of preferred bidder

The Cabinet agreed the preferred partner for Medway LIFT Co, as referred to in the exempt addendum report, with whom further negotiations will be conducted.
The Cabinet agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Health and Community and the Director of Health and Community Services continue to represent the interests of the Council on the LIFT Shadow Board.
The Cabinet agreed that officers enter into discussions and negotiations with other public sector partners from the perspective of the Council remaining a key stakeholder, being an active participant in the Strategic Partnering Board and supporting the development of the annual Strategic Service Delivery Plan for LIFT Co.
The Cabinet agreed to reserve judgement on the issues of exclusivity pending further clarification of the issues and the evaluation of the implications of granting or not granting any exclusivity to Medway LIFT Co.
The Cabinet agreed that the Council's legal and financial officers evaluate the costs, benefits and other implications of Medway Council taking a shareholding in Medway LIFT Co.
The Cabinet agreed that the contract rules be waived in accordance with Contract Rule 2(b)(i) to permit Nabarro Nathanson to be retained should further legal support be required - subject to fees not exceeding the upper limit.