Issue - decisions

Review of the Constitution

25/11/2003 - Review of the Constitution

The Cabinet recommended to Council to agree:· the changes to the constitution rules and protocols set out in paragraphs 3.1.1 - 3.1.12 of the report and the appendices thereto;· to adopt the CIPFA/SOLACE Code of Corporate Governance and to insert in the codes and protocols contained within the constitution.Subject to:(i) The addition of the section out in the addendum report (pages 14-17) relating to Chapter 3 (Responsibility for Functions) in place of the existing section set out in the main Cabinet report (Cabinet agenda pages 302, 305, 313 and 314 refer).(ii) The addition at the end of bullet point 5 section 8.2 (Legal Services, p14 of the addendum report) as follows:'and that regular reports be made on the conduct of proceedings'.(iii) The addition of the section set out in appendix 1 to this record of decisions relating to Responsibility for Cabinet Functions in place of the existing section set out in the main Cabinet report (Cabinet agenda page numbers 293-295 refer).
(i) The addition of the following text relating to the Communications Protocol section (Sharing Press Releases) in place of the existing section set out in the main Cabinet report (Cabinet agenda page 350 refers). (These changes will be cross-referenced throughout the communications protocol to ensure consistency).'Sharing information on media enquiries and releasesCopies of all news releases issued and a summary of media enquiries will be sent to the leader, deputy leader, cabinet, group leaders, nominated media contacts and CMT on a daily basis or at the earliest opportunity.'
The Cabinet agreed that Gcat and Scat are approved consortia for the purposes of Contract Rule 7(a)(iii).