Issue - decisions

Cultural Services Best Value Review

14/10/2003 - Cultural Services Best Value Review

290/2003 The Cabinet endorsed the recommendations of the Environment and Front line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 9 September 2003.
291/2003 The Cabinet confirmed that the following key points should feature in the cultural strategy:§ To develop or procure a high quality central library and resource centre in Chatham, while maintaining and enhancing a network of good local library provision meeting DCMS standards.§ To seek partnerships with external managers or developers to provide new and improved major arts venues in Chatham in the medium to longer term, but in the short to medium term to continue to manage arts venues in-house, maximising the use of creative companies and artistes.§ To develop a five year forward calendar of events, attracting more large scale events where possible.§ To enhance the museum service where this is practical within the Councils resources and introduce a charging policy, particularly in relation to schools.

§ To seek substantial financial support from English Heritage as a condition of the Council's continued management of Rochester Castle.§ To seek practical ways for the Council to invest in the fabric of its arts and leisure venues to improve the quality of customer experiences.