Agenda item

Controlled Parking Zones

This report updates the Committee on a Members’ meeting to discuss the size and operation of Medway’s controlled parking zones.




The Assistant Director Front Line Services introduced this report that updated Members on a Members’ meeting to discuss the size and operation of Medway’s controlled parking zones.


Members were reminded that this matter had originated from a petition from residents of the New Road area in Chatham, which had been considered by the Committee in April 2013. Following this consideration a meeting had been held with Chatham Central and River ward Councillors to review parking permit zones.


The report set out the issues discussed and the factors impacting on residents in this area. It was reported that, having taken these factors into account, a consultation exercise had been undertaken on the potential to extend the residents parking hours in New Road. It was noted that there had been 25 responses to the consultation; 16 supported the scheme operating all day (24/7), 5 supported Monday to Sunday 8am and 12 midnight and 4 did not indicate support to the scheme. The suggestion to provide free parking in the Upper Mount car park in the late afternoon and evening and at weekends was also explained.


Members discussed the particular circumstances within this parking zone and the need to take parking issues in controlled parking zones into account in the consideration of planning applications. The findings of the checks undertaken by Parking Services on the use of residents’ parking permits within the zone were also noted and Members considered the operation of business permits. The costs for undertaking a controlled parking review was considered, along with the Council’s position that such reviews were not conducted unless there was third party funding. Members considered the unseen consequences of car parking charges and the hours of on-street parking and the Assistant Director advised that this could be reviewed in due course.




a)                The Committee noted the report and requested that the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture explore the potential implementation of the options outlines at 3.2 and 3.3 of the report.


b)                The Committee requested that the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services, take into account the 16 out of 25 responses (as set out in section 2.14 of the report) and consider the introduction of 24/7 controlled parking in New Road, Chatham.


c)                The Committee requested that the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, consider a change in the hours of charged for parking at the Upper Mount car park. Based on the combination of the proximity to Chatham High Street, the Railway Station and a night club putting pressure on on-street parking in the immediate area it is recommended that residents be allowed to park free of charge in the evening and weekends.


d)                 Members requested that the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture investigate the use of business permits.


e)                 Members requested a Briefing Note breaking down the costings of undertaking a parking review.


f)                   Members requested that when parking charges are reviewed that the implications of hours of on-street parking are considered.

Supporting documents: