Hempstead and Wigmore
Retrospective application for the installation, within the rear garden of the property, of interchangeable aerials on existing 12m high retractable mast to a maximum height of 16m together with 2no. poles masts with vertical and horizontal aerials to a maximum height of 20m.
The Development Manager reminded the Committee that this application had been the subject of a site visit on 4 January 2014 at which the Planning Officer had set out the details of the application, representations received and the planning issues as they related to matters of the visual impact on the street scene and within the residential area and the impact on neighbours amenities.
It had been explained that the mast and aerials on the roof of the property were lawful through the passage of time and the ex-military mast to which some of the aerials being applied for were mounted was also lawful through the passage of time. It had also been explained that matters of ‘interference’ to electronic equipment as a result of the operation of radio equipment fell under the remit of other bodies and was therefore not a material matter for the Committee to consider in the assessment of a planning application.
At the site visit, both the applicant and his son and neighbours were given the opportunity to comment upon the planning application and those Members attending the site visit also visited the garden of the adjacent neighbour at 4 Lullingstone Close and heard the neighbour’s concerns. A summary of the points raised by those attending the site visit both in support of and objecting to the planning application were summarised on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.
The Committee discussed the application and noted that whatever the outcome of the planning application either the applicant or the adjacent resident would likely feel aggrieved by the Committee’s decision. The Committee had regard to the fact that some of the masts were lawful and generally considered that the masts did not demonstrate harm, particularly as they were screened by trees for part of the year. Therefore, the Committee generally felt that provided the use of the masts could be conditioned the planning application should be approved.
Approved subject to conditions 1 – 3 as set out below for the reasons stated:
1. The ex-military mast located in the southwest corner of the site shall only be used in combination with the aerials measuring 1.6m length by 0.4m width [option 1] and 3.5m length by 1m width [option 3] and no other aerials.
Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is satisfactory and without prejudice to conditions of visual amenity in the locality, in accordance with Policies BNE1 and BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003."
2. The ex-military mast and aerial combination referred to in condition 1 shall not be extended and used for a period of more than 6 hours during any single week.
Reason: To protect the visual amenity of neighbouring residents, in accordance with Policies BNE1 and BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003."
3. Other than the mast and aerial combination attached to the tree in the south-eastern area of the garden, all other masts/aerials shall be fully retracted when not in use
Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is satisfactory and without prejudice to conditions of visual amenity in the locality, in accordance with Policies BNE1 and BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.
Supporting documents: