Agenda item

Review of Mental Health Services in Medway - in-depth task group report

This report asks Members to consider the final report of the Review of Mental Health Services of the Scrutiny Task Group and agree the findings and recommendations of the Task Group for referral to the Cabinet on 14 January 2014.




Councillor Purdy introduced the report and summarised its key findings.  She thanked everyone who gave evidence to the review group.  She asked for an additional point to be included within recommendation 4 to ensure that the mental health awareness training was extended to schools (see below).


The Mental Health Social Care Commissioning Manager responded to Members’ questions.  He clarified that Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) had already revised the name of the Medway Integrated Team to reflect the fact that it did not capture the function of the team.  The review task group had taken account of national guidance and other sources.  The recommendations being put forward would appear to be supported by the independent findings of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) both on their recent visit to Medway mental health services in October and in the most recent national user survey.  He explained that subject to the recommendations being accepted the recommendations a detailed implementation work plan would need to be developed with partner organisations.  The Chief Clinical Officer from NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) welcomed the report and stated that it provided a good foundation and consensus to take forward the implementation through joint working.  He believed that more emphasis should be placed on prevention and early detection of mental illness and stated that the CCG will be happy to work with officers of the Council on implementation.  He also commended the work of MEGAN (an independent peer support group set up in Medway to reach mental health service users) and suggested their involvement in the implementation along with other service users and carers and their supporters.


The Deputy Director, Children and Adults believed the recommendations from the Task Group to be very helpful and could be taken forward without great resource implications.  He also felt it would be important to revisit the work undertaken in the light of the recommendations to see what impact had been achieved as a result of the implementation.


The Committee welcomed the findings, emphasised the importance of the mental health awareness training and agreed the recommendations contained in the report to Cabinet with the amendment to recommendation 4 as set out in bold below:


Training on mental health awareness should also be offered to all Medway schools to an identified member of staff in the school, preferably a teacher.


In accordance with standard protocols for scrutiny review’s it was agreed there would be a review of the recommendations after six months.




The Committee agreed to refer the Report of the Scrutiny Review Group to Cabinet on 14 January 2014 with the following specific recommendations:


1.            Cabinet agree that an Appreciative Enquiry Conference be held in Spring 2014, hosted by Medway Council, to include all relevant agencies to establish a shared vision for the future of Mental Health Services in Medway.  This event should be jointly supported and funded by the Council, Medway CCG and the two NHS providers of mental health services in Medway;


2.      Cabinet to task the Council’s Mental Health Commissioner to explore further the opportunity for social care to be included in the shared care arrangements being developed by Medway CCG and KMPT;


3.      Cabinet consider as part of the 2014/2015 revenue budget preparations support for longer-term follow up mental health support services, including the role for Public Health and in partnership with Medway CCG;


4.            Cabinet agree that frontline staff should receive mental health awareness training (for example: receptionists, Library and Community Hub staff, housing staff and Sure Start Children Centres);


           This training could be provided by service users, carers, social workers, the Public Health Mental Health First Aid Trainer and KMPT staff; to ensure it is grounded in the lived experience locally and is directly relevant.  This project could be taken forward as a stakeholder initiative, with the added value of relationship building;


Training on mental health awareness should also be offered to all Medway schools to an identified member of staff in the school, preferably a teacher.


5.            This mental health awareness training could also be offered to other key service providers such as Medway’s Job Centre Plus and Medway CAB;


6.            The Task Group believe that these are important messages for commissioners and providers of CAMHS and universal services to children and young people such as schools, in the feedback from service users and family carers.  A copy of the report will be made available to Medway CCG, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust and Medway Schools Forum in order that they can consider these issues further and take action, as appropriate, to help young people protect their mental health and to support their peers;


7.            Cabinet agree to Medway Council mental health services adopting an approach of directly involving service users and carers in co-design and co-production of mental health services and through the work of the Partnership Commissioning Team to encourage this approach with partner commissioners and providers;


8.            Cabinet agree to the identification of a Link worker in Housing and for Adult Social Care managers (in partnership with KMPT) to develop a support duty system to assist the Link worker to deal effectively with housing services clients with mental health needs;


9.            Cabinet agree that if services are to continue to be provided from Riverside One that improvements to the reception and waiting areas are made; if services are to be relocated that the new location is welcoming to customers;


A copy of this report will be made available to KMPT, who can consider the feedback of service users, carers and Members of the Task Group in relation to Kingsley House reception and waiting area, taking action as appropriate.


10.    Cabinet agree that the Assistant Director for Partnership Commissioning develop opportunities that strengthen dialogue with local young people’s organisations, with a view to harnessing the capacity of young people to raise awareness of mental health issues as a means of prevention, earlier intervention and peer support. In addition to work with Public Health to explore their role in helping to raise awareness of mental health issues within schools, to include consideration of the option of involving school nurses.


11.    Cabinet agree that the Assistant Director for Partnership Commissioning and the Deputy Director of Children and Adults evaluate the extent to which there can be more flexibility in services to maximise support for young people and their families during transition; whilst respecting the legislative, regulatory and statutory guidance limitations and requirements;


12.    Cabinet task the Assistant Director for Partnership Commissioning to raise, via the CCG, the concerns regarding Section 136 arrangements for children and young people in Medway, and the Council’s view that a more suitable arrangement to meet local need must be provided;


13.    Cabinet task the Deputy Director for Children and Adults and the Assistant Director for Partnership Commissioning to further improve carer assessment arrangements and cover services, in response to feedback from carers to the Task Group.


A review will be undertaken within six months.

Supporting documents: