Agenda item

Councillor Chishti submitted the following:

This Council notes that Medway has a proud military history and has maintained strong links with the Armed Forces.


This Council also notes that Medway’s commitment to the Armed Forces Community Covenant ensures the needs of those residents of Medway who serve, or have served, the country are recognised and supported at a local level.


This Council further notes that many other residents have, through a range of professions, served the country in equally significant measures, such as in national security and defence – including those who participated in the testing of Britain’s nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s.


This Council welcomes that, following a Ministry of Defence commissioned Health Needs Analysis in 2011 of British nuclear test veterans, the NHS has introduced a number of practical measures to support them. 


This Council believes that other parts of the public and voluntary sector should seek to introduce a similar measure to support nuclear test veterans – and that the Council should lead this at a local level by extending the provisions of the Armed Forces Community Covenant to those veterans who live in Medway.


This Council notes that Medway has a proud military history and has maintained strong links with the Armed Forces.


This Council also notes that Medway’s commitment to the Armed Forces Community Covenant ensures the needs of those residents of Medway who serve, or have served, the country are recognised and supported at a local level.


This Council further notes that many other residents have, through a range of professions, served the country in equally significant measures, such as in national security and defence – including those who participated in the testing of Britain’s nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s.


This Council welcomes that, following a Ministry of Defence commissioned Health Needs Analysis in 2011 of British nuclear test veterans, the NHS has introduced a number of practical measures to support them. 


This Council believes that other parts of the public and voluntary sector should seek to introduce a similar measure to support nuclear test veterans – and that the Council should lead this at a local level by extending the provisions of the Armed Forces Community Covenant to those veterans who live in Medway.


Councillor Maple, supported by Councillor Harriott, proposed an amendment as follows:


Add new paragraph below current paragraph no. 4:


This Council further notes the significant number of residents affected by the medical conditions related to exposure to asbestos and radiation. This exposure was prevalent in the Chatham Naval Dockyard. The individuals affected were those employed at those sites, in both military and non military roles and often their immediate family members in the worst cases leading to terminal medical conditions.


Add the following text (underlined) to current paragraph 5:


This Council believes that other parts of the public and voluntary sector should seek to introduce a similar measure to support nuclear test veterans and those families impacted by exposure to asbestos and radiation – and that the Council should lead this at a local level by extending the provisions of the Armed Forces Community Covenant to those veterans who live in Medway.


During consideration of the motion and in response to a Member’s question whether the amendment could be agreed by the Council, the Monitoring Officer suggested that the word “alleged” be added to the amendment as follows:


“The alleged individuals affected…”


Under Council rule 11.4.2 Councillor Chishti, with the consent of the Council and the seconder of the substantive motion agreed to alter the substantive motion to incorporate the proposed amendment.


The mover of the motion also confirmed his support for the amendment including the Monitoring Officer’s proposed wording.




This Council notes that Medway has a proud military history and has maintained strong links with the Armed Forces.


This Council also notes that Medway’s commitment to the Armed Forces Community Covenant ensures the needs of those residents of Medway who serve, or have served, the country are recognised and supported at a local level.


This Council further notes that many other residents have, through a range of professions, served the country in equally significant measures, such as in national security and defence – including those who participated in the testing of Britain’s nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s.


This Council welcomes that, following a Ministry of Defence commissioned Health Needs Analysis in 2011 of British nuclear test veterans, the NHS has introduced a number of practical measures to support them. 


This Council further notes the significant number of residents affected by the medical conditions related to exposure to asbestos and radiation. This exposure was prevalent in the Chatham Naval Dockyard. The alleged individuals affected were those employed at those sites, in both military and non military roles and often their immediate family members in the worst cases leading to terminal medical conditions


This Council believes that other parts of the public and voluntary sector should seek to introduce a similar measure to support nuclear test veterans and those families impacted by exposure to asbestos and radiation – and that the Council should lead this at a local level by extending the provisions of the Armed Forces Community Covenant to those veterans who live in Medway.