Agenda item

Attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services

This report details the areas covered by the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services, which fall within the remit of this Committee. These are listed each time a Cabinet Member is invited to attend any of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees to be held to account.




The Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services had provided a report that set out activities and progress on work areas within the his Portfolio during the past year and the Committee asked him questions about these which included: 


Planned and Winter Maintenance –A correction to the length of pavement resurfaced was noted.


The Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services stated that the perception of road maintenance was about timing. When customers were surveyed about the state of the roads there had been a period of heavy snow, which had caused many of the surfaces on the road to break up. The Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services was confident that satisfaction with the maintenance of roads would balance out in the next quarter.. Investments had been made to keep roads in good condition and were among the best in the South-East.


Capital Projects – The Council were progressing a number of schemes in the next year, this included improving school access at Woodlands Road in Gillingham, and the creation of a new car park at the former railside in Gillingham. Following a member’s concern that the installation of a build up and pedestrian crossing at Woodlands Primary School could exacerbate the problems at this site, the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services advised that he was happy to re-visit the proposed scheme and look at it again.


The Portfolio Holder advised the committee buses were having difficulty accessing the Medway Hospital, due to ongoing site congestion. The Committee was advised that there was recognition that buses currently had problems accessing the Hospital site and options were currently being investigated.


In relation to the new primary school in Chatham, safety audits would be carried out to ensure all safety aspects were covered.


The Portfolio Holder assured the committee that the Council were working hard to obtain the necessary funds to improve the Sans Pareil roundabout and had bid for funds from the South-East Local Transport Body for both this roundabout and the route between Four Elms roundabout and the Medway Tunnel.


Recycling – Starting at the end of October recycling collections would be made on a weekly basis. Recycling rates were increasing each year and were currently at 40%. In relation to other local authorities it was difficult to compare overall recycling figures, as they used different systems to Medway and some would most likely use incineration. The Council recognised that some people lived in flats and did not have the facility to put their recycling in a bin, however the introduction of the weekly recycling would alleviate many of the problems.


Chatham Bus Station – The Council was aware of the issues during periods of windy weather at the bus station and were looking into ways of improving protection for the public, particularly on Platform B. Proposals would be reported in due course.


Road Safety – The figure of 51 killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road accidents was still too high, a number of interventions were looking at how this number could be reduced. The Chairman requested a breakdown of how many of the 51 were fatalities and requested that a briefing note on this be provided. Another member explained that statistics relating to seriously injured were always combined with statistics for fatalities by emergency services as it was recognised that once a seriously injured person left the site of an accident, it was down to a third party as to whether the individual would likely survive.


Parking – Parking arrangements across Medway were being reviewed in partnership with Alpha Parking.


Buses and Smart ticketing – The joint project with Kent County Council was progressing well. The programme had been mapped out and phase one pilot would be rolled out in February 2014, with phase two rolling out at the end of the financial year.


A member suggested that when considering smart ticketing, consideration be given to the Oyster card scheme.


The continuance of the 155 bus service had been secured, the Portfolio Holder agreed to check that the service was still to continue as normal.


Medway Tunnel and LED Lighting – Savings had been made since the lighting in Medway tunnel was changed. The Council was looking at potential energy savings by changing streetlights across Medway to LED lighting. Any proposals to change the lighting would be reported on in due course.


The committee were advised that there was still 3.6 million left in the Medway Tunnel fund account.


Darnley Arches – The Portfolio Holder supported the work of the De-Cluttering Medway Task Group and suggested that a report be submitted to this Committee on improvements that could be made to Darnley Arches.


Gun Lane, Strood – The Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services agreed to ask Officers to look at the timing of the traffic lights at the junction of Gun Lane, Strood.


Station Road, Rainham – Pavements/Shop Fronts  - In response to a request from a member, the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services agreed to ask Officers to investigate the issues raised regarding the impact that the improvement works to the pavement in Station Road has had on the frontages of shops where they abut the pavement.




The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services for his attendance and welcomed a report on the improvement scheme for Darnley Arches.

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