Agenda item

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy delivery plans and outcomes framework - for decision

This report contains progress updates of the delivery plans for the Joint HWBS priority actions for 2013/2014 and the monitoring and outcomes framework for the JHWBS and the Board is asked to consider and comment on progress made.




The Consultant in Public Health introduced a report setting out progress against each of the delivery plans for the five priority actions within the Medway Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012-2017.


The theme leads for the priority actions updated the Board on progress and a summary is set out below under the 5 themes:


  • Theme 1: Give every child a good start


It was noted that the overarching action was to support mothers to have good physical and emotional health in pregnancy and in the early months of life; focusing on increasing levels of breastfeeding and reducing smoking in pregnancy.


Action included the work by Medway Community Healthcare to address recruitment targets for the health visiting expansion; how health visitors were supporting smoking cessation and increasing breastfeeding rates; initiatives to support pregnant women to quit smoking at an early stage of pregnancy, such as the introduction of expired-air carbon monoxide monitoring; and, the peer supporter network, supported by Medway Community Health Care, of mothers who had breastfed their babies and were keen to help other mothers do the same. 


During the discussion of this item Board Members reflected on the role of the Family Nurse Partnership and the importance of making every contact count to address issues such as smoking.


  • Theme 2: Enable older people to live independently and well


The priority action was to improve early diagnosis treatment and care for people with dementia in line with increasing population need.


Board members were advised of a number of actions/outputs, including four successful bids to the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge Fund; a campaign to encourage memory assessments; a community engagement event run by the Clinical Commissioning Group; and, the exploration of interactive technology to support identification and assessment.


The positive impact that a reduction in the use of anticholinesterase inhibitors could have was reported to the Board and it was requested that lead officers work to make delivery plans more accessible to the public by the removal of jargon.


  • Theme 3 Prevent early death and increase years of healthy life


The priority action was to reduce death rates from cardiovascular disease.


The Board were advised of the proactive approach being taken, such as the early identification and management of patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes. Details of the PACT campaign that encouraged people to check their pulse once a year was given, together with information as to how it was being publicised in order to maximise the campaigns effectiveness. It was noted that around one in five strokes were due to atrial fibrillation and of these three quarters may be prevented by people taking their pulse.


  • Theme 4 Improve physical and mental health and wellbeing


It was reported that the priority action was promoting healthy eating and physical activity.


The Board were advised as to progress with developing a cross-departmental approach on planning and licensing, which sought to create healthy environments conducive to preventing and reducing existing levels of obesity. Further collaborative work would be undertaken with Greenspaces concerning play area improvements. It was also noted that the delivery of healthy eating workshops and courses was on target and details were given as to proposals for a community health champion programme.


The Board considered the action of mapping local assets to support a community wide approach to combating obesity and reflected on how a broader mapping and mobilisation of community assets would be of benefit to a number of themes. Board members requested that a report be brought back to the next meeting setting out details of a potential scope for this process.


  • Theme 5 Reduce health inequalities


The priority action was to improve uptake of NHS health checks in the most disadvantaged areas.


It was noted that currently Medway was significantly higher than the England average for health checks offered but significantly lower for the percentage taken up. The Board were advised of the health checks campaign that promoted free Health Checks for people aged between 40 and 74 and it was noted that a website had been launched which, in addition to details of the campaign, provided real-life experiences of others.


Following the presentations by the theme leads the Consultant in Public Health gave a presentation on the monitoring and outcomes framework for the Medway Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This included a timetable for 2013/2014 based on the meetings of the Health and Wellbeing Board; sample views of the public health dashboard (a web based tool for the 78 indicators within the strategy); and, key points arising from an initial review of the dashboard for the 5 themes.


Board Members considered the information provided on the dashboard and the presentation of information, both in terms of the visual layout and also the use of different time periods. The importance of up-to-date information was stressed and it was suggested that the stakeholder consultation/review scheduled for September 2013 be used to test accessibility and use.




(a)                     The Board noted the progress updates provided on the priority action delivery plans.


(b)                     The Board agreed the monitoring and outcomes framework for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012/2017 and noted the key points arising from the initial review.


(c)                     The Board requested that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board, which considers the scope for mapping of community assets.

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