This report updates the Committee on work currently being carried out following changes in legislation requiring changes to be made to the Statements of Policy in respect of licensing and gambling.
The Licensing and Local Land Charges Manager introduced the report which sought authorisation to amend the Statements of Policy for both Licensing and Gambling in accordance with recent changes in legislation and guidance issued. The amendments would then be advertised and consulted upon with all relevant interested parties, including Councillors.
Members were advised that the results of both consultations would be reported back to the Committee, together with a revised version of the Statements of Policy, for recommendation to Cabinet and Full Council for approval in accordance with the following proposed timescales:
· 12 week consultation period from 30 July – 22 October 2012
· Licensing and Safety Committee – additional meeting required in November 2012
· Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 December 2012
· Cabinet – 18 December 2012
· Full Council – 24 January 2013
· New Statement of Policy to be advertised 29 January 2013
· New Statement of Policy in use from 26 February 2013.
Provisional timetable – to take into account changes to legislation due later this year
· 6 week consultation period from 7 January – 19 February 2013
Licensing and safety Committee – additional meeting required
March 2013
· Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 20 March 2013
· Cabinet – 16 April 2013
· Full Council – 25 April 2013
· New Statement of Policy in use from 1 May 2013.
Officers advised that the Gambling Policy was already due for renewal, as it was at the end of its three year duration. However, the Licensing Policy had previously been agreed in January 2011 and was due to run for three years, so this request was for an early review of the policy due to the legislative changes made in April 2012 and more expected in October 2012.
The Committee discussed the announcement that had been made earlier in the day with regard to changes to the gambling laws and asked whether this would involve a further review of the council’s Gambling Policy in the near future. Officers advised that this would depend on what the changes were and how the policy was worded for that activity, for example if there were changes to the limit of gaming machines within a premise, the wording in the council’s policy did not specify the number of machines, so no revision would be necessary.
Officers advised that if any changes were received from the government during the twelve-week consultation period, they could be added to the current consultation and incorporated into future changes but, legally, the consultation had to start now, as the policy had to be reviewed every three years and this could not be delayed.
The Chairman advised that it had been some time since Members had been briefed on the gambling laws and requested that a Briefing Note was sent to the Committee giving an up-to-date overview on this matter.
The Committee agreed:
to authorise officers to amend the Statements of Policy for
Licensing and Gambling in accordance with the changes in
legislation and guidance issued, advertise and consult with all
relevant interested parties;
that the results of both consultations are reported back to a
future Licensing and safety Committee, together with a revised
version of the Statements of Policy for recommendation to Cabinet
and Full Council for approval;
c) to request that a Briefing Note is sent to the Committee giving an up-to-date overview of the gambling laws.
Supporting documents: