Agenda item

Gateway 3 Report: Homecare and Extra Care Services




This report sought permission to award a framework contract for Homecare and Extra Care Services. The Procurement Board had approved this report for submission to the Cabinet after review and discussion on 21 September 2012.


The Cabinet had given approval to the commencement of this procurement at Gateway 1 on 6 September 2011 and this report was based upon a recently undertaken procurement process.


It was noted that the management of this procurement was a pilot of the category management approach to procurement, where adult social care and the corporate team were working together to ensure that the recommissioned homecare services deliver better for less. The homecare services had been the subject of a strategic sourcing plan (SSP), which was developed in partnership with PwC. Subsequent to the Procurement Board’s endorsement of the SSP, a commercial strategy was developed to deliver a better service for less expenditure so that there was an increase in value for money for all stakeholders.


Members were advised that the category management approach had also identified a better approach to the initial idea of homecare providers on the framework being the select list for the mini procurements of extra care. A review of the market identified that there were specialist providers of extra care that would not tender for homecare services. The creation of a select list/framework of extra care providers meant that the council could undertake mini-procurements with quality assured providers to meet the demand for services as schemes are opened.


The report set out details of two procurement contract award options: do not award any contract and cancel procurement process and award contract to the series of contractors.


An exempt appendix provided key information in respect of finance and whole-life costing; providers and detailed procurement process tender evaluation information.


A Diversity Impact Assessment screening form was attached to the report. This indicated that a full Diversity Impact Assessment was not required.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the procurement contract award to the series of contractors as outlined below and as detailed within the exempt appendix:




1.         Care UK Homecare Ltd

2.         Scott Care Ltd

3.         Here to Care

4.         Avante Community Support

5.         London Care

6.         Kent Social Care Professionals


7.         Everycare Ltd


8.         Anchor Support Services Ltd


9.         Meritum Independent Living


10.    Independent Care & Support Ltd


11.    Circle Support


12.    Plan Care


13.    The People Care Team


14.    Community Care Line

15.    Guardian Homecare

16.    Care Watch Maidstone

17.    Homecare Solutions Ltd

18.    Boldglen

19.    Presland Care

20.    Medway Age UK


Extra care


1.        Housing 21

2.        Care UK Homecare Ltd

3.        Guardian Homecare

4.        Scott Care Ltd

5.        Meritum Independent Living

6.        Care at Home Services

7.        London Care

8.        Mears Care Ltd.




The decisions are made on the basis of: the improved redesign of home care services that focus on continuous improvement; the delivery of £1.4 million of savings, without disruption to services; and, a streamlined mini-procurement process for potential extra care providers for emerging extra care schemes in Medway.

Supporting documents: