Agenda item

Lodge Hill Development Brief

This report seeks to inform the committee about the proposals for a Development Brief for the Ministry of Defence (MOD) site at Lodge Hill. Cabinet approved the draft Development Brief for public consultation on 2 August 2011 and this is currently underway. The report provides an update on the consultation results to date. 




The Lodge Hill Planning and Project Manager introduced the report advising that the Development Brief expanded on Policy CS33 of the draft Core Strategy providing more detailed issues surrounding this site. Members were advised that the public consultation process ran until 14 October 2011 and would be revised and adopted ahead of the Core Strategy timetable. This was because the developer was keen to submit a planning application and the council would then have a Development Brief to consider the application against.


The committee was advised that, to date, only four written responses had been received but it was expected that more would arrive in the final week of the consultation period. Other responses had been verbal feedback from the series of public roadshows that had been held. The feedback had been mixed, with some people firmly against the development, mainly for transport and environmental concerns, in particular some woodland on the site. Expressions of support had been from Chattenden because of the health facilities, shops and transport links the development would bring to that area of Medway.


Members considered that the main issue for consideration was the transport links in and out of the site and were disappointed that the developer had not yet developed draft proposals for this, as it would be so important for the future success of the site and for Medway as a whole. Officers responded that the developer had moved on with the level of detail regarding transport links. A planning application was to be submitted soon and planners would have to be satisfied that the transport proposals at that stage complied with the standard of transport expected for the Lodge Hill site, as set out in the Development Brief.


Members questioned the anticipated creation of 5,000 jobs by the development of the site, stating that they thought this was a very high target. They asked what formula had been used to arrive at this figure? Officers responded that the figures were within the Economic Strategy for Medway where detailed work had been carried out around the capacity of the site and what it could deliver, which was evidence-based. It equated to producing one job per household as a minimum target.


The committee agreed that whilst it was good to see these ambitious figures, they questioned whether these were realistic, especially in the current economic climate, and may also create a false aspiration. Officers accepted that it was an ambitious target this new community should consist of a mix of uses and the latest broadband provision would be provided throughout the site, which would encourage businesses to locate there. It was hoped that the Universities in Medway, which were reaching capacity on their current campus sites, would consider locating satellite buildings at Lodge Hill.


Members noted that the development of the site would involve a long construction period and that this could provide significant training opportunities for young people in Medway. Other large Council contracts included agreements for apprenticeships as part of the contract and Members hoped that the Lodge Hill development would take advantage of this type of opportunity as well.


The committee asked if the development provided any opportunity to improve transport elsewhere in Medway? Officers advised that improvements to town centre networks could only be requested from a developer where there was a definite, measurable impact to a town centre by the development. In studies so far, this had not been indicated but there would be a more detailed transport study carried out at a later stage and this would be considered at that time.




The committee agreed to:

(a)   note the contents of the Lodge Hill Development Brief, currently out for public consultation;

(b)   recommend that the Cabinet agrees the Lodge Hill Development Brief subject to the outcome of consultation.

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