Agenda item

Housing Asset Management Strategy and Business Plan

This report seeks Members comments on the Housing Asset Management Strategy and informs on progress of the Housing Business Plan. 




The Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services introduced the report advising that it was part of the Business Plan for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and that Members would have the opportunity to consider it again when the Business Plan was reported later in the year.


The total sum of money set aside for this service was set as part of the annual budget setting process and the Asset Management Strategy defined how the money would be spent to ensure for long-term planning that provided the best value for money and demonstrated the way the service was heading.


The Committee was advised that although it looked as though the current budget was insufficient to cover all the works required, in reality the works were continually being re-evaluated and re-assessed and the financial situation fluctuated as and when properties were inspected, as some components lasted longer than their recommended life, and some works did not need completing. 


Members requested the following amendments to the strategy:


·        Page 92 of the report (page 9 of the strategy) fifth paragraph –

To be amended from “Residents expect a good service …..” to

“Residents have a right to a good service …..”

·        Page 131 of the report (page 48 of the strategy) –

“Stakeholders included in the Group are:  ….”
to include a representative from each political group on the Council

·        Page 164 of the agenda (Terms of reference of the Housing Asset Management Group) –

The wording to be reviewed, as the Committee considered that it was entirely reasonable for the Council to act on the aspirations of the political group in overall control and that Councillors should have a say in what should be done with regard to estate improvements

·        Page 113 – 115 of the report (pages 30 – 32 of the strategy) Cyclical and planned maintenance -

this was an area where Councillors received the most complaints from tenants who did not understand what the Council was trying to achieve. Members requested further communication with tenants in order to give as much information as possible.

The Committee also asked:


·        whether the Kent Fire and Rescue Service could be used to fit fire alarms in council-owned property as it was a free service

·        for future work on managing the housing stock – that it would be better to concentrate on the whole housing stock with strategic objectives set out in an open and transparent way rather than dealing with individual properties in isolation

·        for further information and clarification on the budget for single-glazed windows as to whether they were replaced with double-glazing or not, as it seemed that there was no budget for double-glazing.



The Committee:


(a)   considered the Housing Asset Management Strategy and noted the progress to date in the development of the Business Plan;

(b)   requested that the Business Plan is reported to this Committee for consideration once it had been finalised, together with a review of the Housing Asset Management Strategy;

(c)   asked officers to take on board the comments set out above, particularly the involvement of a representative of each political group on the Council being given a place on the Housing Asset Management Board.

Supporting documents: