Agenda item

Highway Winter Service - Task Group review

This report, together with the draft policy document and plan, sets out the future provision of gritting and snow clearance services in Medway from 2010 – 2017. 




The Head of Highways and Parking Services introduced the report, draft policy and draft plan proposed by the task group. He advised that the Member task group had concentrated particularly on the following issues: salt stocks; pavements; car parks; salt bins; and roads with one entrance/exit located on steep hills.


Firstly, the task group had reviewed the policy and once that had been agreed looked at the implications of this on the Winter Service Plan and implications for the road network.


The other considerations included:


·        whether current salt bins that no longer comply with the criteria set out in
Appendix 1 of the Winter Service Policy would remain in place or be removed

·        in previous years, one footpath in a town centre would be treated but the feedback from the task group suggested that the council should try to treat both sides in main shopping centres

·        one car park per town centre would be treated, as to treat all car parks would be impractical. The task group and officers chose the car parks immediately adjacent to shops

·        a major cause of concern for residents was with regard to being sued (public liability) if others injured themselves whilst using a cleared footpath. The Department of Transport and the legal profession were trying to resolve the mis-understood, inaccurate stories and fears around this ‘urban myth’. An article would be published in the December edition of “Medway Matters” about the winter services provided by the council which will include advice to the public on clearing footpaths and driveways.


The committee requested further clarification and assurance that there were sufficient salt stocks to fulfil the services set out in the Winter Service Policy and the Assistant Director for Front Line Services reassured Members that he was confident that the salt in stock would resource the Winter Service Plan in a full way for a lengthy period, as the council now had enough salt in stock to last for approximately 19 days of prolonged snow and ice conditions.


Members asked for the lists of roads and locations of salt bins detailed in the appendices to the plan to be re-categorised into wards as some of the address locations were incorrect. Members requested that the Watling Street shopping parade on the A2 should be added to the list of shopping parades to be gritted during snow in the Winter Service Plan.


Officers advised that following a cross-council working party set up in response to the bad weather problems of last winter, a resilience programme had been put in place and guidance had been sent to schools. The committee was advised that some schools had been prioritised over others and gritting routes had been amended to take these into account. Members requested a copy of the guidance sent to schools.




The committee recommended the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to take the following action under his delegated authority:


(a)               to implement the proposed Winter Service Policy 2010-2017 as set out in Appendix 1;


(b)               to implement the proposed Winter Service Plan 2010-2017 as set out in Appendix 2, amending the list to show each ward location;

(c)               to produce an article setting out self-help guidance for the public (in line with the Department of Transport’s “Snow Code”) together with information about roads and locations the public can expect to be gritted during severe winter weather is published in the next edition of the “Medway Matters” newsletter;

(d)               to produce a leaflet as soon as possible setting out self-help guidance for the public (in line with the Department of Transport’s “Snow Code”) together with information about the roads and locations the public can expect to be gritted during sever winter weather;

(e)               to publish the Winter Service Policy and Winter Service Plan on the council’s website as soon as possible and that this section of the website is kept as up-to-date as possible with current weather and gritting forecasts, guidance, advice and telephone contact numbers for the public to use throughout the winter period;

(f)         that the Watling Street shopping parade on the A2 is added to the list of shopping parades to be gritted during snow in the Winter Service Plan.

Supporting documents: