This annual report provides an account of the role of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness. It details their ambitions for their areas of responsibility, how they have, and how they will undertake political challenge and leadership and what their priorities and ambitions are for the year ahead.
The Committee received an overview of progress made on the areas within the scope of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness, Councillor Louwella Prenter, which fell within the remit of this Committee.
The Portfolio Holder responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:
The impact of the Renters Rights Bill – The Committee were informed by the Portfolio Holder that she felt the Renters Rights Bill would have a positive impact and that reform was long overdue for the sector. Officers reported that the three main causes for homelessness approaches were the threat of family eviction, Section 21 notices and domestic abuse and whilst there may be a small spike in evictions due to the Bill but the Housing Team have measures in place to address this.
Rough Sleepers Funding – Members queried the level of funding going forward and were informed that the level of funding remains the same and in addition winter burden funding of over £100,000 had been awarded on 17 January 2025.
The acquisition of Temporary Accommodation (TA) properties – Members queried how many property purchases had been completed and how many were occupied. The Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that the current pipeline is 147 properties, and all 12 completed properties are now occupied and had an impact on reducing the cost of nightly paid TA.
Travellers at Wigmore Park – Members queried what had been learnt from Wigmore Park and how much it had cost so far. The Portfolio Holder explained that whilst it was disappointing that this issue had take so long to resolve the Councils position was to continue with the legal process which would come to trial in February 2025. The total costs so far would be provided outside of the meeting as the Portfolio Holder did not have this information available. The potential for any sites for travellers would be dependent on the Local Plan.
Foyer for Young People – The Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that the Foyer was an excellent, fully equipped facility which would enable young people to live independently and turn their lives around. The Committee were informed that there were currently 9 residents and that it would be fully occupied by the end of February. Members queried whether the accessible flats were occupied and whether a record was being kept of care leavers benefiting from the Foyer and officers were asked to provide this information after the meeting.
The Portfolio Holder took the opportunity to thank Luton Primary School pupils who had named the facility and to thank the Chief Executive of MHS who had worked closely with Medway for the last 20 years and wished him a happy and healthy retirement.
Social Housing – The Committee were informed that there was a pipeline of social housing properties and officers were keen for growth and that 44 properties are due to come online in Spring 2025. Properties in the pipeline also include properties in Strood. Officers reported that the Upper Mount scheme would also be reported to Planning Committee in the near future.
Satisfaction Surveys – Members queried the low levels of satisfaction for complaints and anti-social behaviour and were advised that this had been identified in the recent inspection. Officers were aware these areas needed further work, they were a main focus for improvement and improvement plans were in place to address both areas.
Further information requested - The Portfolio Holder and officers agreed to provide information on the number of new builds added to the HRA (broken down by year), on the cost of remuneration for Medway Development Company’s Directors and on the number of rough sleepers involved in the legislative theatre and their contribution.
The Committee noted the report and requested further information be provided as discussed.
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