The Assistant
Director, Adult Social Care introduced the report which provided
the findings of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment of
Medway Council's performance in fulfilling their obligations under
Part 1 of the Care Act 2014. She explained that the Council had
received a score of 59% which was 4 percentage points from
‘good’ and that this had been the result of intense
work to improve the service greatly within the last year. The CQC
had fed back that staff were passionate and proud to work for
Medway. There had been no surprises, the service knew where it was
at and what it needed to work on and an action plan was in place to
drive forward continued improvement.
Members then
raised a number of questions and comments, which included:
- Training in
moving and handling – reference was made to the criticism
from providers about availability of moving and handling training.
The Assistant Director, Adult Social Care explained that providers
were required to deliver training to their staff and the
Council’s Quality Assurance Team visited providers to ensure
training was being provided and up to date.
- Equality,
diversity and inclusion (EDI) – the Assistant Director
recognised this as an area of focus. She explained for some
communities they did not want to engage in support from adult
social care but then can end up in crisis, therefore promotion of
the service, through working with partners, was needed to try to
reduce the risk of families finding themselves in crisis. As part
of the right sizing of the service, posts relating to engagement
had been established and when recruited to, would enable improved
out reach.
- Section 42
enquiry back log – reference was made to this and whether
this had since improved. The Assistant Director confirmed that
additional funding had been allocated to the team to support them
with the back log which had been brought down, although there had
been a recent increase and this was an area of focus on the action
- Monitoring
progress – in response to a question about how progress
could be monitored by the Committee, the Assistant Director
explained that key performance indicators were aligned with the
action plan to help track progress and the Committee could be
provided with periodic updates on that. There was the possibility
the Council would then be assessed by the CQC again in two
years’ time.
- Thanks to the
Assistant Director, Adult Social Care – recognition was
given to the Assistant Director for her passion and leadership
across the adult social care service and for the improvements that
had been made to date.
- Profile of
adult social care – more work was needed to raise the
profile of adult social care and once there was capacity to once
the restructure embeds the service could reach out to the community
so that they could offer support to those eligible and also to
offer information, advice and guidance to those that need it.
The Committee noted the rating issued by the
CQC and the action plan which addressed the improvement areas
identified in the assessment and commended the Assistant Director,
Adult Social Care, for her diligence, determination and commitment
to improving Medway Council’s adult social care offer.