Agenda item

Planning application - MC/23/2680 Morgan Timber, Knight Road, Strood, Rochester, Medway ME2 2BA

Cuxton, Halling & Riverside Ward

Outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale ) for the demolition of existing buildings and structures and construction of up to 168 residential dwellings, the provision of vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access, public open spaces, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping, infrastructure, earthworks and all other associated works.




The Principal Planner discussed in detail an outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the demolition of the existing buildings and structures and construction of up to 168 residential dwellings.  The provision of vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access, public open spaces, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping, infrastructure, earthworks and all other associated works.


The Principal Planner brought Members’ attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet which amended condition 11 (revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph only) and revised the wording in condition 22.


The Committee considered the application and were concerned with the lack of affordable housing within this development.  The Chief Planning Officer reported that a Viability Assessment had assessed that affordable homes would not be viable within this scheme if secured through condition or S106 agreement, however, affordable housing could be secured outside the planning process utilising grant aid.


The Principal Planner explained that the developer had explored all options available to them regarding the secondary access point.  Safety was a big concern, therefore, signal arrangements would be installed with different arms for pedestrians and vehicles.  The Highways Consultant confirmed that vehicles would have a dedicated phase of the lights.  The Chief Planning Officer stated that the safety of the access would be improved and would allow residents, from Phases 1A and 1B, to travel safely from the site to Strood Town Centre and the bus services.  It was requested that for traffic coming from Knights Way, the traffic signal remained green unless another arm was activated.


The Chief Planning Officer clarified brownfield sites were difficult and expensive to develop and it was now more common, to see within the S106, a claw back clause which meant that if the developer made greater profits than anticipated, the extra money would be used for additional S106 infrastructure payments.


The Chief Planning Officer confirmed that following a previous planning application, Temple Waterfront, where the developer made contributions to greenspaces, the same arrangement had been made for this project.  The Greenspaces Team were working on a plan to ascertain where the contributions would go.


The Principal Planner advised that during the development of Phase 1A the introduction of bus services entering the site was removed.  It was now considered that the road was too narrow for buses to access the site.  The Highways Consultant confirmed that emergency vehicles would have, and be able to, access the site through the railway arch.   


Members were pleased to learn that over £700,000 of S106 contributions were being allocated to highways which would go towards sustainable transport and to boost services in that area.


The Highways Consultant confirmed that a lighting assessment had been undertaken.   The intention for significant traffic calming would be put in place at the secondary access point.  




Delegated Powers given to Approve the application subject to the completion of a S106 agreement as set out on the agenda and subject to the conditions on the agenda with the following amended conditions:


a)             The applicant entering into a S106 agreement to secure the following:

                   i.               Contributions towards improved Education provision comprising:

a.          Nursery: £296,291.52

b.          Primary: £353,240.69

c.          Secondary: £576,233.28

              Total: £1,225,765.49

                 ii.               Contribution towards Sports Facilities, Sports facilities

improvements to hydrotherapy pool such as new hoists and changing cubicles for disabled users: £52,313.52

                iii.               Contribution towards improved equipment and facilities at

        Strood Library: £35,484.96

                iv.               Contribution towards Health: £135,870

                 v.               Contribution towards Public Rights of Way (PROW)towards the

improvement of PROWs in the vicinity that will be utilised by the new development: £12,600

                vi.               Contribution towards public realm to assist with development of

improved civic space and gateways to Strood Town Centre (greening, bollards, lighting, paving, wayfinding and signage): £42,000

              vii.               Contribution to enhance open space facilities within the vicinity

of the development, including Temple Marsh: £520,813.10

             viii.               Contributiontowards improvements to sustainable transport

provision: £705,826.93

                ix.               Contribution towards North Kent Strategic Access management

and Monitoring Scheme £55,149.36


b)             Conditions 1 to 32 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report with amendments to condition 11 (revised NPPF paragraph only) and condition 22 (revised wording) as follows:


Amendment to Condition 11 (Revised NPPF Paragraph only)


No development shall take place above ground floor slab level until details of the provision of 1 electric vehicle charging point per dwelling has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details shall include the location, charging type (power output and charging speed), associated infrastructure and timetable for installation. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and shall thereafter be retained.


Reason: In the interests of sustainability in accordance with paragraph 117(e) of National Planning Policy Framework 2024.


Amendment to Condition 22 (Revised Wording)


No development shall take place until an Air Quality Emissions Mitigation Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Mitigation Statement shall be prepared in accordance with the Medway Air Quality Planning Guidance and shall include full details of the measures that will be implemented as part of the development to mitigate the development related road transport emissions. The total monetary value of the mitigation to be provided shall be demonstrated to be equivalent to, or greater than, the total damage cost value calculated as part of the Air Quality Emissions Mitigation Statement. The development shall be implemented, and thereafter maintained, entirely in accordance with the measures set out in the approved Mitigation Statement.


Reason: Required prior to commencement in the interests of amenity and minimising air pollution in accordance with policy BNE24 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.

Supporting documents: