This report provides the Members of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee with an update on the CAMHS procurement currently underway through Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board (ICB). The report also includes an appendix which provides insight into the current mental health and emotional wellbeing services across Medway.
Included in the report was an update on the growth of existing services and the proposed therapeutic alliance would pull all services together in a way that would make it easier for professionals and families to navigate the system.
Members then raised several questions and comments:
Services - in response to a question on how easy it would be for families to refer to these services and how were they informed that the services exist, the Committee was advised that work had been undertaken to promote the services available through a directory of services, websites including through the Medway Parent and Carer Forum. Presently when a referral was made to Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), following assessment, if it were determined that their need could not be met by CAMHS, they would be signposted to the appropriate service. What was being proposed under the new model was a single referral and assessment point for professionals and families to refer to where the work would be undertaken to meet needs, and a referral would only be progressed onto CAMHS if necessary.
The Medway Focus was welcomed and praised officers for advocating for this for the children of Medway.
Private care homes - it was commented that there was an increase in two person private children care homes and it was asked what was being done, with the emergence of increase in private child care provision to ensure that providers engaged with Medway support services and the ability of Medway services to confidently establish strong partnership working. The Committee was informed that the impact of placements on children was an area of priority, high focus and officers continued to work with partners in the Planning Department to outline any concerns. It was, however, difficult, due to planning regulation to give feedback on providers but conversations were held to discuss and outline the quality of provision was that expected for the children of Medway. It was important to note that this was a complex sector, but the Council expressed to all providers the expectation to work in partnership if they wanted to come and establish their services in Medway. It was made very clear the level of expectation for children’s placements and the high standards required of children’s provision.
It was added that one of the benefits of partnership working was that there were officers within the Council that worked closely with the ICB, had the understanding of the acute needs of children and were able to procure bespoke services to address needs. There was also a firm understanding of thresholds, in particular for CAMHS who had a high threshold due to their very specialist provision of services. Officers were able to work on building a robust range of services for children that did not meet the CAHMS threshold.
a) The Committee supported the contracting approach described and that NHS Kent and Medway ICB continue to provide regular updates to the Committee as the work progresses.
b) The Committee noted the current service offered for children and young people in Medway and the impact these services were having on children and their families.
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