Agenda item

Planning application - MC/24/1033 Former St John Fisher RC Comprehensive School, Ordnance Street, Chatham, Medway ME4 6SG

Fort Pitt Ward

Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 139 dwellings (Class C3) together with associated public open space, landscaping and biodiversity areas, parking, access and associated works.




The Principal Planner outlined the application in detail for the demolition of the existing buildings and construction of 139 dwellings (Class C3) together with associated public open space, landscaping and biodiversity areas, parking, access and associated works.


The Principal Planner brought Members’ attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet which added a new condition 19 and re-numbered the subsequent conditions 20-36. 


The Committee discussed the application in detail and Members were pleased to see more family units being provided, however, they would have liked to see more affordable housing being provided within this development.


The Principal Planner advised Members that the whole site would be accessible to allow residents and visitors to access both sections of the site.


Members acknowledged Sport England’s objection to the loss of an existing playing field, however, Members stated that the current playing field was not accessible to the public and the new school site had provided additional sports facilities that would be accessible.  


The Principal Planner explained that under condition 34 in the report, the dwellings would remain as single-family homes which fall within Class C3 and no change to C4 should be carried out without a separate planning application being submitted.


The Chief Planning Officer informed Members that to limit carparking on site and encourage the use of public transport, travel vouchers would be offered to each household.


The Principal Planner clarified that secure bin stores would be provided further details of which would be secured via a condition, and the Council would collect the waste.  A S106 contribution would cover the provision of waste and recycling services for the development.




Approved subject to:


A.             Referral to the Secretary of State in view of Sport England’s objection.

B.             The applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to secure the following:

a)    To allocate 5 units (3 bed, 5 person units) from the total number of proposed housing units within the development as affordable private rent.


b)    An obligation to operate all 139 housing units under a Build to Rent scheme in perpetuity.


c)    Financial contributions as follows.


i)               £45,629.53 towards Designated Habitats Mitigation.


ii)              £20,850 for the provision of travel vouchers to be issued to each dwelling to the value of £150 per voucher per dwelling.


iii)            £32,156.26 for the provision, improvement and promotion of waste and recycling services to cover the impact of the development.


iv)            £90,325.42 towards mitigating the impact of the additional pupils generated by the development on Primary Education.


v)             £11,038.79 towards enhancement and/or expansion of community facilities which will serve the new residents of the development.


And the following conditions 1 to 35 as set out in the report with an additional condition, 19, and the re-numbering of subsequent conditions 20-36.          


Condition 19


Prior to its installation a plan showing the details of the proposed pedestrian footway and cycleway to and from the development site from Boundary Road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where applicable details shall include proposed surfacing arrangements, soft landscape works, lighting, bollards and kerb details where it adjoins Boundary Road. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is satisfactory, and the development deliver on sustainability in accordance with Policies BNE1, T3 and T4 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.

Supporting documents: